Sharon Shinn
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A little news...

First things first! My wonderful webmaster has totally revamped the site! Visit all the pages and tell me what you think of the new design.

facebook largeFinally have joined social media by getting my own Facebook page! There are a few other fan pages that have been around for a while, but I'm actually going to try to post a few interesting things here from time to time! 

And here’s a bit of news from the past few months:

- November is the publication month for JEWELED FIRE, Corene’s adventures in Malinqua. I think it’s a fun story, and the cover is gorgeous. 

- I’ve turned in the fourth book in the Elemental Blessings series, now titled UNQUIET LAND. That one will follow Leah, who makes her first appearance in the opening pages of JEWELED FIRE. It’s scheduled to come out in fall of 2016.

- Macmillan officially announced the launch of my graphic novel, PAINTED WARRIOR, through a cool announcement on USA Today’s blog. Read a Q&A with me and get advance glimpses of Molly Ostertag’s artwork.

- Earlier this year, NPR released a list of 100 “swoon-worthy” romances across all genres…and my book ARCHANGEL was among the titles! Here’s a link to the whole list:

And some older news that bears repeating:

beauty- If you love the blessings from Troubled Waters, go to There you’ll find a page that includes my Webmaster Andy’s wonderful artwork for each of the blessings…you can print it out and draw your own blessings whenever you need one.

- The members of my writer’s group have decided to start their own publishing group called Word Posse. They’ve put out a total of eight books that span mystery, horror, paranormal, and fantasy genres, as well as a couple of short story collections. Check out what they’ve done so far at and

- As a reminder, I have fifteen books available for audio download at the five Samaria books, the five Twelve Houses books, the three Shifting Circle books, and the two Elemental Blessings books. (The third Elemental Blessing book is scheduled for release this year.) There’s also an audio book available of my novella and three others in the ANGELS OF DARKNESS anthology. So if you’d rather listen than turn pages, check these out.

News Archives
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