Sharon Shinn
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Turning Seasons
Stand Alone Novels: Alibi, Shuddering City, Heart of Gold, Jenna Starborn, Summers at Castle Auburn, Wrapt in Crystal,
The Shape-Changer's Wife
, Quatrain, Shattered Warrior

troubled waters

barnes & noble

“An exquisitely rendered coming-of-age tale in which Ms. Shinn shines as a powerful storyteller with a depth of feeling that touches the soul.”—Romantic Times

Summers at Castle Auburn
Coriel, the illegitimate daughter of a high-ranking aristocrat, spends most of her life learning herbal medicine from her grandmother, but she spends her summers with her half-sister, Elisandra, at the royal castle where Prince Bryan resides. Corie has always been secretly in love with Bryan, but she is slowly realizing that he is a spoiled, selfish, dangerous man—and that Elisandra dreads her upcoming marriage to the prince. Corie hopes that the prince’s cousin Kent will save Elisandra, while she wonders if the taciturn guard Roderick might play a bigger part in her own life.

Publishing history:
Published as a trade paperback in 2001 and mass market paperback in 2002. Named to the ALA list of Best Books for Young Adults.

My favorite scene: 
Has to be the one where Corie frees the aliora. Though I love any scene between Corie and Kent, particularly the one at the fountain.


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