Sharon Shinn
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Web update July 2024

The Latest News!

AlibiI’m excited to announce that I have a new book coming out this fall from Fairwood Press. The publisher’s tagline says it all—“Romance. Teleportation. Murder.”—but here’s a more detailed description of the story.

The book is currently available for pre-order but you’ll be able to buy it in person if you attend the World Fantasy Convention in Niagara Falls October 17–20. I’ll be there too, and I’d love to sign a copy for you.

If you missed previous news updates, my two earlier books with Fairwood Press have or will have audiobook versions as well. The Shuddering City is available now and Whispering Wood will be in production soon. More information on that as I have it.

As always, I’d love to have you follow me on Facebook. I draw and post blessings every Monday morning and encourage readers to draw their own and share them with everyone else. If you want to print your own blessings, you can find a PDF here.

Thanks for reading!

