Sharon Shinn
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Turning Seasons
Stand Alone Novels: Alibi, Shuddering City, Heart of Gold, Jenna Starborn, Summers at Castle Auburn, Wrapt in Crystal,
The Shape-Changer's Wife
, Quatrain, Shattered Warrior

troubled waters

Shattered Warrior
Ten years ago, the alien Derichets invaded Colleen’s home world, killing most of her family and leaving much of the planet in ruins. Now she lives by herself on the half-destroyed estate where she grew up, and she works in a Derichet factory in the city just to maintain some human contact. Then she is unexpectedly reunited with a young niece she believed was dead, and she meets and falls in love with a member of a violent street gang. But life really gets dangerous when she catches the eye of a Derichet supervisor…and then gets recruited into the secret resistance…

Publishing history
Published in trade paperback in May 2017

Interesting tidbit
The story is based on a book I wrote many, many years ago and always loved, even though it was one of my “learning books” and not quite suitable for publication! I was so happy to go back to it and rework it for the graphic novel. I named Colleen’s estate Avon after Stratford-on-Avon in England.

The soundtrack for this story would be “Gimme Shelter.”

My favorite scene
The end of Part One through the opening scenes of Part Two, until they arrive at the house in the city. That section was basically the inspiration for the whole book and is based on a vivid dream I had one night. I woke up thinking, “I have to write that down.”


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