Sharon Shinn
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Uncommon Echoes
“I simply enjoy Shinn’s unique mix of frothy and dark. … In short, this is classic Shinn, and I can’t resist it.”
— Locus magazine

In the Kingdom of the Seven Jewels, many of the highest nobles are attended by one or two or three echoes—creatures who look exactly like them, who move with them in perfect synchronicity, but who have no thoughts or volition of their own. Centuries ago during wartime, the echoes were a gift from the triple goddess, who bestowed them as a way to keep nobles safe from constant attempts at assassination. But what if an echo wasn't always exactly as it appeared…?

Click here for more about:
The History and the People
Echo in Onyx
Echo in Emerald
Echo in Amethyst
The Kingdom of the Seven Jewels
Kingdom of the Seven Jewels

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