Sharon Shinn
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News Update for January

2015 already? That seems fast! Here’s what’s been happening in the past few months:

- I’ve turned in the manuscript for JEWELED FIRE, Corene’s adventures in Malinqua. There’s a brief description of it here and the opening two chapters are here. I’ve seen a sneak peek at the cover, and it’s gorgeous. Will post when I can.Look for the book to be published this fall.

- I’ve just started writing the fourth book in the Elemental Blessings series, tentatively called DANGEROUS GROUNDS. That one will follow Leah, who makes her first appearance in the opening pages of JEWELED FIRE. I think it’s scheduled to come out in fall of 2016.

- I will be writing an angel novella sometime this year. I’m not sure if it will be part of a multi-author anthology or gathered into a collection with other angel stories I’ve written in the past. And not sure when it will be coming out! But I’ll be getting to it as soon as I finish the current novel.

- We’re making progress with the graphic novel! We’ve chosen the artist and she’s started to do sketches. As soon as First Second is ready to make the announcement, I’ll share her name and maybe a sketch or two. I think it will take her about a year to do all the drawing—so—it will be a while before the finished product is available. I so can’t wait.

- Here’s something fun: The members of my writer’s group have decided to start their own publishing group called Word Posse. They put out three books last year and expect to get at least three out this year. I don’t have plans to publish a novel through Word Posse, but I’m hoping we can all work together on a short story anthology. Check out what they’ve done so far at and

And some older news that bears repeating:

beauty- If you love the blessings from Troubled Waters, go to There you’ll find a page that includes my Webmaster Andy’s wonderful artwork for each of the blessings…you can print it out and draw your own blessings whenever you need one.

- As a reminder, I have thirteen books available for audio download at the five Samaria books, the five Twelve Houses books, the Shifting Circle books, and Troubled Waters. So if you’d rather listen than turn pages, check these out.

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