Sharon Shinn
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Web update 10/3/2017
A couple of quick news items:

-I’ve just a signed a deal with Tantor Media to have one of my older books, Summers at Castle Auburn, recorded as an audio book. Not sure how soon it will be available, but I believe it will be sometime next year. I’m delighted about this, as it’s one of the books people still ask me about, years after it was published.

-I’m planning to be at the World Fantasy Convention in San Antonio November 2-5. I’ll be on a panel and maybe doing a reading and hoping to sign copies of the graphic novel (and any other books people bring me!) WFC is always one of my favorite events of the year, so anyone who can make it should plan on attending. For information, visit

-For those who missed it: A metalsmith has made metal blessing coins from the Elemental Blessings series and is selling them for $20 a set. They’re really cool! For information, visit


-You can also find a printable copy of all the blessings at But we’ve now added that page to this website, and you can find it HERE (bottom of the page).

-A couple of people have asked when my next book is coming out, and the answer is, I’m not sure. I’m currently between publishers, though I have a couple of manuscripts I’d like to place. I’m shopping them around now (well, my agent is). So stayed tuned!

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