Sharon Shinn
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The Latest News...

As always, I am a bit behind with updates on the website, but here’s a bit of the latest news…

-UNQUIET LAND, the fourth book in the Elemental Blessings series, went on sale in early November. Available at all the usual outlets!

-I’ve seen all the proofs for my graphic novel with Molly Knox Ostertag, and it’s absolutely gorgeous. I love it so much. You can read a bit more about it here. It goes on sale in May 2017.

-I had planned to attend WorldCon in Kansas City this year, but had to miss it—ended up in Columbus for World Fantasy Convention instead, and had a marvelous time. Shout out to bookseller Dale Johnson who remembered that I had told him that I didn’t have any copies of the trade paperback version of ARCHANGEL. He found a couple copies, saved them for me, and brought them to me at the con. One of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.

-Meanwhile, here’s a shot of me at the WFC awards banquet, posing with my writer friends Louise Marley and Kay Kenyon. It was the day before Halloween, which is why we’re sort of in costume. Check out my rhinestone skeleton gloves, my new favorite item of clothing.


-For anyone who doesn’t know, I’ve got a Facebook page at sharonshinnbooks, and I draw blessings every Monday morning and post them there. What’s really cool is that a few readers have sent me photos of the blessing coins that they’ve made for themselves, following the template that’s available at I love seeing them and sharing them.

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