Sharon Shinn
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Web update October 2020

What a year it’s been! It’s just the beginning of October as I write this and I’m wondering what else 2020 has in store for us. Meanwhile, I’m already dreading the long dark winter days when it won’t be so easy to meet friends outdoors for socially distanced visits. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve spent a lot of my time during the pandemic catching up my reading, so I hope all of you are also managing to spend any extra time doing things you love.

Only a couple of new things to report:

-In April, I had a short story appear in the anthology Fantastic Hope, which was edited by Laurell K. Hamilton. Mine is a reincarnation story set in modern-day Chicago, but there’s a really broad selection of themes and styles in the anthology. All the books have hopeful endings, which makes the anthology an excellent reading choice for these stressful times!

-I'll be attending World Fantasy Convention October 29–November 1. I'll be doing a reading on Friday and participating in panels on Saturday and Sunday. Because of the pandemic, the whole conference is being held virtually, so you can join from anywhere in the world without having to travel. I’ve attended a couple of conferences for work and they were more successful than I’d expected, so I have high hopes that WFC will be fun.

-I’ve been talking to my agent about getting rights to reprint some of my shorter fiction. The current thinking is that we might do a digital-only omnibus of five novellas and maybe a separate print version of six or seven short stories. I’m also considering adding an unpublished short story to the collection. Right now, it’s all in the planning stages, but I hope it happens. Stay tuned.

-I’ve been working on a new novel and finally have a draft done. It’s a long, complex story featuring a LARGE cast of characters. After taking a year off from writing, it was fun to curl up with the computer again and move a story from my head to the page.

I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy!


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