Sharon Shinn
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Web update November 2018
I finally have a bit of news to share!

-My new trilogy will be coming out from on March 21. All three books will be available at the same time, which is great news for people who like to binge. The series, which will be called Uncommon Echoes, will be available exclusively as audio books for three months. After that, the print and digital versions will be published. For those who are only going to consume the audio books, I plan to post a map of the Kingdom of the Seven Jewels, where all three stories take place. As the publication date gets closer, I’ll also try to post opening chapters and a synopsis of each story.

-People who have read the Elemental Blessings books might remember that there’s a card game called penta that Rafe and some of the other characters play. Well, a reader named Franklin asked if he could create rules for the game, and he proceeded to do so! I’ve posted the rules HERE…and also a description of how you, too, can create your own penta deck. (You can’t just use a regular deck because there are five suits, plus trumps, plus wildcards.) Franklin made his own cards (you can see the photo on the penta link), but I figured out how to make a deck by doctoring ordinary playing cards. All the details are in the link!

-I recently returned from World Fantasy Convention in Baltimore. It’s always my favorite event of the year, and this year was no exception. I’m hoping to attend WFC next year in Los Angeles October 31-November 3 ( but I haven’t bought a membership yet. And people keep asking if I’m going to WorldCon in Dublin August 15-19 ( No plans yet to do so, but I keep thinking about it…

-If you haven’t stopped by Facebook page, sharonshinnbooks, please check it out! Every Monday morning, I pull and post blessings for the week, and readers post their own as well. It’s a nice way to start the week—because what could be better than a blessing?

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