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Web update August 2019

A little news!

-All three Echo books are up for Kindle and print pre-orders on! There’s a caveat—the e-books are available for pre-order around the world, but the print books are only available for pre-order in the U.S. However, on August 15, you should be able to order the books no matter where you live. Digital books will be delivered immediately on August 15; print books will start shipping that day. I CAN’T WAIT!!!

 Here are the links:

 Echo in Onyx

Echo in Emerald

Echo in Amethyst

 -In July, I was interviewed for a podcast about the Echo books. You have to scroll through a summary of the book to find where to click to start the podcast, which lasts about 30 minutes.

 -There’s a bit of good news for fans of the Elemental Blessings series. The last two books had never been available in paperback before, but now Jeweled Fire will be released as a trade paperback in February 2020. So far, no word on whether Unquiet Land will ever be released in that format, but it’s certainly a good first step!

 -Not sure if I’m supposed to announce this yet, but I’ve got a short story in an anthology that’s coming out next year. More details when I’m allowed to share.

 -And I keep reminding people that I’m planning to attend World Fantasy Convention in Los Angeles October 31-November 3. Hope to see a lot of you there!

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