Sharon Shinn
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Web update December 2022

Happy Holidays!

I’m celebrating the publication of my newest book, The Shuddering City, which came out in late November. It’s available around the world in both print and e-book and can be downloaded to most devices. Thanks to those of you who have read it already and left reviews and sent me personal messages.

If you’re curious about some of my thought processes when I was writing the book, you can check out an interview I did with Paul Semel, or an essay I wrote for John Scalzi’s Whatever/Big Idea blog.

If you’d rather read about how I came to publish my short story collection Shadows of the Past, you can check out an interview I recently did with fellow writer @SueBEdwards.

In other news, I had a great time at World Fantasy Convention in New Orleans in November, and I’m already looking at next year’s con in Kansas City. It’s just a train ride away—how can I resist?

As always, I hope you’ll follow me on Facebook! Among other things, I draw and post blessings every Monday morning, and it’s a nice way to start the week.

I hope you have a joyous holiday season and a spectacular start to the new year!


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