Sharon Shinn
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News July 2016

-I’m looking forward to the publication of UNQUIET LAND in November of this year. It’s part of the Elemental Blessings series and follows Leah as she returns to Welce. I haven’t seen a cover yet, but I’ll post one as soon as I do. You can get a sneak peek at the first two chapters here. And a description of the story here.

-Thanks to everyone who’s dropped by my new Facebook page at sharonshinnbooks! I’ve been drawing three blessings every Monday morning and posting them there. What’s really cool is that a few readers have sent me photos of the blessing coins that they’ve made for themselves, following the template that’s available at I love seeing them and sharing them.

-I’ve learned that Molly Ostertag, the artist who’s illustrating my graphic novel, is almost finished with the art, though I haven’t seen the final pages yet. Not entirely sure when the book is coming out but I’m thinking sometime in 2017. AND I CAN’T WAIT.

-I will not be going to MidAmericaCon (WorldCon) in Kansas City in August after all! Sad to miss anyone who was hoping to see me there. But I WILL be attending World Fantasy Convention in Columbus, Ohio, October 27-30. More details about that event are at It's always one of my favorite events, so I'm looking forward to going!

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