Sharon Shinn
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Web update June 2021

I hope everyone has made it through the hazards of 2020—and that 2021 is generally less scary.

I have a few bits of news:

-Here’s the big one. My short story collection, Shadows of the Past, is now live on It includes six stories that have been published online or in anthologies, and one that’s new. Three murder mysteries, a couple of modern-day pieces, and a couple more classic fantasy stories. A wide mix! All fun to write. The collection is available in e-book and paperback formats.

-I’m still in the planning process for releasing a collection of novellas—that will be a longer book, but only available in digital form. My best guess is that it will be available late June or early July. I’m calling it Angels and Other Extraordinary Beings.

-I’ve just written a short story for a noir fantasy/science fiction anthology called No Game For Knightswhich will be edited by Larry Correia and Kacey Ezell. Not sure when it will be published. My story features a shape-shifter named William who makes appearances in two of my Shifting Circle books.

-I’m looking ahead at World Fantasy Convention in Montreal November 4–7. I’m not sure if it will be safe to attend cons in person so I haven’t made any solid plans yet. But last year’s virtual WFC was really well-run and allowed people from all over the world to attend, so I’m going to keep watching to see how the con proceeds.

-As always, I hope you’ll follow me on Facebook! Among other things, I draw and post blessings every Monday morning, and it’s a nice way to start the week.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!


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